Meed Dudley. He is a five month old Pointer mix puppy that is very loving and a lot of fun to play with. He is very well behaved for his young age and is crate, leash and house trained. However since he is still a puppy he should not be left unattended in the house. He is fine left in his crate 4 or 5 hours at a time or in a fenced in back yard on nice days. He gets along well with other pets and seems to like everyone he meets. He has had his puppy shots and been kept on his monthly flea and heartworm prevention. He is scheduled for his neuter surgery and rabies shot on 8/11/09 and then all he will need is a new forever home to call his own. If you think you may be the right new family for Dudley please go to our main website at and fill out an on-line adoption application so we can set up a time for you to come and meet him in person.
More about Dudley
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Dudley (click to see larger version):