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3/27/2025 1:59 PM


Newsletter - December 2015

Happy Holidays 

Newsletter - Habitat Adoption Updates

 May 2015  -  Volume 7 Issue 1  

SPCA PETS SNAP of Montgomery County
National Dog Bite Prevention Week                      
Special Adoption Event & Dog Bite Prevention Training -- Sunday May 24th, 2015                      


Sunday, May 24th, 1:00 - 5:00 P.M. - In  conjunction with National Dog Bite Prevention Week, the SPCA PETS SNAP  of Montgomery County will be sponsoring a special Mobile Adoption event  that includes snacks, drinks and door prizes along with lots of very  deserving animals looking for forever homes.   A Dog Bite Prevention  Training for children will take place from 3:00 - 3:45pm. 

Location:  Tila's Creature Comforts Boarding and Grooming 13985 Hwy 105, Conroe,  77306

Most   bites are by the family dog or other dog known to the child and can be   prevented through education.  Both children and adults can benefit  from  understanding dog body language and knowing how to act in  situations  involving dogs.  Children learn to read dog body language  and how to act  safely around dogs by looking at large format  photographs and by  playing interactive games.  The “Be A Tree” program  is unique in its use  of several different teaching strategies, its   focus on physical  activity and its emphasis on positive messages.   Instead of telling  children “don’t do this and don’t do that”, the “Be A  Tree” program  empowers them with the knowledge they need to make safe  decisions based  on the body language and the actions of the dog and the  situation at  hand.

Featured Adoptable Cat - Annie


Look at this pretty girl, gazing up at you with her big, beautiful green eyes!  Meet Annie, as in Little Orphan, a precious 3 year old who is looking for a family to call her own.  Annie is very friendly and affectionate.  She loves people, gets along great with other cats and even likes dogs!  And at 7 pounds, Annie would fit perfectly in anyone's lap.  She is FIV/FeLuk negative, current on all shots, on flea and heart-worm prevention and is spayed.  Her adoption fee is only $75 (and for an additional $10.99, Annie will receive a lifetime, transferable microchip registration with Home Again) but right now we are offering a Spring Special:  you can adopt two of our already bonded cats for the price of one!  If you think Annie would be perfect in your loving home, click here and fill out our on-line adoption application so we can set up a time for you to meet Annie in person!  Thank you for considering a rescue pet!

Doggone Safe and SPCA PETS SNAP of M.C. offer the following tips for parents and dog owners to help keep kids safe:

The 3 Most Important Things to Teach Your Kids

    1. Dogs Don’t Like Hugs and Kisses – Teach your kids   not to hug or kiss a dog on the face.  Hugging the family dog or   face-to-face contact are common causes of bites to the face.  Instead,   teach kids to scratch the dog on the chest or the side of the neck.

    1. Be a Tree if a Strange Dog Approaches – Teach kids   to stand still, like a tree. Trees are boring and the dog will   eventually go away.  This works for strange dogs and anytime the family   dog gets too frisky or becomes aggressive.

    1. Never Tease a Dog – and never disturb a dog that’s sleeping, eating or protecting something.

The 2 Most Important Things Parents Can Do

    1. Supervise – Don’t assume your dog is good with   kids.  If a toddler must interact with your dog, you should have your   hands on the dog too.  Even if your dog is great with kids and has never   bitten – why take a chance?

    1. Train the dog – Take your dog to obedience classes   where positive-reinforcement is used.  Never pin, shake, choke, hold  the  dog down or roll the dog over to teach it a lesson.  Dogs treated  this  way are likely to turn their aggression on weaker family members.    Involve older children in training the family dog while supervising.    Don’t allow children to punish the dog.  Condition the dog to enjoy the   presence and actions of children using positive experiences.

The 3 Most Important Things Dog Owners Can Do

    1. Spay or Neuter Your Dog – Neutered pets are calmer,   healthier and less likely to be aggressive.  Neutering prevents   unwanted dogs that may end up in shelters or in less than ideal   conditions where they may grow up to be poorly socialized or aggressive.

    1. Condition Your Dog for the World – Give your puppy lots of new positive experiences.  Train using positive methods i.e. clicker training.

    1. Supervise Your Dog – Supervise your dog at all   times around children.  Do not allow children to hug and kiss the dog.    If visiting children are bothering your dog, put the dog away or send   the children home.

What to do if you find a homeless pet

First  of all, THANK YOU for wanting to help.  Stray pets usually suffer  needlessly.  If the animal is a non-aggressive dog, put him on a long  leash with a secure collar and say “Go home!”  Hopefully he will lead  you there or you will meet someone along the way who can direct you.   Children in a neighborhood are great sources of pet ownership  information. However, if that doesn’t work or you have found a non-feral  cat, we suggest you do the following:

    1. Check his collar for tags.

    1. Take him to a veterinarian to check for a microchip.

    1. Put  up "Found" posters in the areas near where you found her.  Also take  posters to any nearby homeowners' associations.  Check online sources,  such as HelpingLostPets.com for additional  information.

    1. Take two copies of the poster to all area animal control agencies.

    1. Check  with all veterinarians within a 10 mile radius of where you found the  animal.  (If you live in a rural area, make that a 30 mile radius.)

    1. List the animal in local papers.

    1. List your animal with the websites shown to the right and check daily the "Lost Pets" section for a match:       

    1. Please  continue to look for her owner for up to 14 days.  (Note:  Animal   Control considers the pet yours after 5 days, so there will be a charge   involved if you take her in after that period of time.)  In the  meantime, go to www.petfinder.com and search for a no-kill shelter or rescue organization that may have space available to adopt out or foster your animal.

    1. Better  yet, if YOU are interested in becoming the animal’s foster  parent….yippee!!  Most no-kill animal rescue organizations use foster  care and there is often a shortage.  SPCA PETS SNAP of Montgomery County  is one of those.  Go to www.spcaofmc.com and click on “Forms/Applications” on the green bar on the left hand  side of the page. And then go to “Foster Applications”.  Complete the  information so that we can put your found pet in our foster program.


Featured Adoptable Dog - Jelly Bean


Wish  this precious lady a Happy Birthday!  Meet Jelly Bean, a 50 pound  Terrier mix female who just turned four years old.  Jelly Bean’s name  fits her personality perfectly!  She is one sweet, sweet lady.  However  getting sugar from OUR Jelly Bean will only add lots of love to your  life, not pounds! This gal is very people friendly too and loves people  attention. Not only that, but her calm and gentle nature make her  wonderful around children.  However, Jelly Bean would do best in a home  where she is the only 4-legged member.  And like her namesake, Jelly  Bean is pretty too, with gorgeous short (i.e., easy-to-care-for) dark brown  and white fur and big, beautiful eyes that will melt your heart!  And  she is such a happy girl.  The saying “the tail wags the dog” fits her  to a tee.  Jelly Bean is current on all shots, de-wormed, on monthly  heart-worm prevention/flea control and is spayed.  All of this for an  adoption fee of only $95.  And for an additional $10.99, Jelly Bean's  microchip will be registered with Home Again and it includes a lifetime  registration that is also transferable.  Jelly Bean had only one wish  for her birthday…to find a loving, forever family like yours!  If you think  Jelly Bean would make your home complete, please click here to  fill out an online adoption application.  We will be glad to set up a  time for you to meet Jelly Bean in person.

Mobile Adoption Events

We hold Mobile Adoption Events on the

1st and 3rd Saturday of each month

from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Location:  Conroe Petco

Address:  1410 North Loop 336 W

Conroe, TX 77304

Come out and visit with our adoptable dogs and cats.

You just might find your new best friend!


National Dog Bite Prevention Week

Special Adoption Event and
Dog Bite Prevention Training

Featured Adoptable Cat

Tips For Parents and Dog Owners to
Keep Kids Safe

Book or Sponsor The Be A Tree Program

What To Do If You Find A Homeless Pet

Lost Pet Website Listings

Our Contact Information

Featured Adoptable Dog

Social Media

Save the Dates/Special Events

Mobile Adoption Events


Book or Sponsor the “Be a Tree” program


Email us at pets@spcaofmc.com to sponsor or book the Dog Bite Prevention “Be a Tree” program or to request more information.  We can bring the program to schools, daycare centers and even for Birthday Parties at home or in the park.  Program lasts for 45 minutes (can be adapted to 30-60 minutes).

SPONSORS  - To allow local companies to become involved with community dog bite  prevention we can have learning materials such as coloring books, paint  sheets, a story book, poster, stickers, bookmarks and fridge magnets  branded with your logo for the program when you sponsor.





206-A South Loop 336W #332

Conroe, Texas 77304

spca_rescue@yahoo.com  pets@spcaofmc.com

People Eliminate The Suffering Spay Neuter Adopt Please

Lost Pet Website Listings



Social Media

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Jelly Bean    

Save The Date

Dog Bite Prevention Training                Tila's Creature Comforts May 24th  at 3 PM

Mobile Adoption Event                         Tila;s Creature Comforts May 24th 1 - 5 PM

Hero Library Day                                 The Woodlands South RegionalLibrary       2101 Lake Robbins Dr, The Woodlands, TX     July 7th from 10 A.M. to 7 PM

Check the Chip                                            Conroe Petco - August 15th from 1 - 5 PM

Pet Fest Old Town Spring                     Old Town Spring - October 17th & 18th

Doggies & Divas Event                            April Sound Lakeside Room - November 7th

Pictures with Santa                                  Conroe Petco - December 5th from 1 - 5 PM

Holiday Thank You Party                          Conroe Petco - December 5th from 5 - 8 PM

People Eliminate The Suffering  -  Spay Neuter Adopt Please
WWW.SPCAOFMC.COM                                                                  WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SPCAOFMC

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