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Last Updated:
3/27/2025 1:59 PM


Lady at Intake Cropped

You can make a difference in Lady's life by donating today to SPCA PETS SNAP of Montgomery County.  Just click on the PayPal Donate Button on the right side of this screen and note in the donation that it is for our Surgery Fund.
Lady is a 3-year-old Mini Aussie and was run over by a horse trailer on 3/11/23. Her family did not take her to a vet and just thought she would heal on her own. She was outside dragging herself around with her front feet. A kind neighbor saw her on Wednesday, 3/15/23 and picked her up and took her to the veterinarian who took x-rays and did an exam. She has a fractured pelvis which will heal on its own but also has a dislocated hip and an inguinal hernia on the same leg. Both of which need to be fixed with surgery. Her bladder has also been moved out of place which can be corrected at the time of surgery. During her appointment at the vet a member of the family that owned her saw the note left on their door and called so she told them what the vet had determined and that they were getting together some pain meds for Lady and then she would bring her home with the documentation of what she needed to have done and what it will cost. They told her that they already had some pain meds so not pay for any. She took her home and gave them the surgery estimate paperwork. However the very next day Lady was outside in the rain dragging herself around on the ground again and was still in a lot of pain. She went over and told them that this was not acceptable and that the dog needed to be inside and on pain meds. They told her that they could not afford to take care of her and would she take her. She contacted us for help as she also could not take care of Lady and had already paid $190.00 for the vet appointment that she had to put on her credit card. We had her bring Lady to us and got her started on pain medication and scheduled her surgery with the vet for 4/4/23. Her pain was under control within 24 hours and she is now able to stand and walk on three legs. Her surgery will cost somewhere between $1400.00 and $2300.00. We have already raised $1090.00 but need to raise another $900.00 to cover the cost of her surgery. If you can please donate to Lady's Surgery Fund. She is now able to rest comfortably and walk outside to go to the bathroom but cannot stay on pain meds forever and must have surgery to avoid further complications from the hernia and to be able to regain the use of her dislocated back leg.

Lady has had her surgery and is doing great with her recovery. Some pictures are below taken just after her surgery on 4/4/2023 where they repaired the hernia and did the FHO on her back leg. Thank you to everyone who has already donated to her surgery fund.
Lady Day of Surgery 1  Lady Day of Surgery 2  Lady Day of Surgery 3 

Here are some pictures of Lady taken a week after her surgery. She is doing well and on her way to a complete recovery.
Lady 1 Week Post Surgery 1  Lady 1 Week Post Surgery 2   Lady 1 Week Post Surgery 3

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