Meet the "Chi-Mi-Pi" family of four adorable puppies! These little heart-stealers are named "Dewey" and "Streaker" (both blond males) along with "B.T." and "Minnie" (black and tan females). Dad is a purebred blond Chihuahua and mom is a Chihuahua-Miniature Pinscher mix. Just to be different, Dewey has floppy ears while Minnie has a naturally docked tail. At about 9 weeks of age they each weigh in at a whopping 2 pounds or so. Born in late May, their friends at the SPCA are now bringing them up to date on their puppy vaccinations. By the end of August they should be spayed/neutered and ready to go to their new forever homes. If you think one of these puppies would make a perfect addition to your home, please go to and fill out an online application. On our home page there's a green menu box at the left sidebar; just click on "Forms/Applications" to get started. Thanks for considering a rescue companion!
Other Pictures of B.T. (click to see larger version):