Introducing some great kitties (about 6 months old in August 2012) with good dispositions and some beautiful unique coat colors. Four are available for adoption, brothers "Chex" and "Wafer" along with their sisters "Chai" and "Sprinkles". Both Chex and Chai are rich chocolate brown with evenly interspersed black hair, a coat pattern we've not seen before. Wafer is a handsome light buff colored tan while Sprinkles is a muted gray Tortoiseshell. So it's easy to find one you can love and this is a purr-fect time for them to go to a new home. Before they're sent off to their new families, all will be up to date on vaccinations and their spay/neuter surgeries completed. If you want to adopt one (or more) of these feline companions, please go to home page. Click on "Forms/Applications" in the little green box at the left sidebar to get started and thanks for "going to the rescue"!