Meet Oreo born on 6/9/12. He is one of 4 siblings looking for a new forever home. These kittens are all very sweet and loving. The have had their first two sets of kitten shots and will be spayed or neutered on 11/20/12 so they will all be ready for their new homes by 11/23/12. The adoption fee is $75.00 but if you adopt two you get a special adoption fee of only 75.00 for both. Their mom Lucy Lu is also up for adoption and any one of these kittens and their mom would make a great new addition to your family. If you are interested in Oreo please fill out our on-line adoption application. Just go to, then click on "Forms/Applications" in the little green menu box at the left sidebar. Then we can set up a time for you to come and meet them in person to see if one or more of them may be the right new pet for your family. Thank you for considering one of our rescue pet.
More about Oreo
Good with Cats, Good with Kids
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