Meet Rusty who was born 6/9/12. He is a very pretty dark rusty orange male kitten with a very sensitive face. He is the most curious and most loving of the male kittens in this litter. His color is extra cute. He can be carried in your arms like a baby and enjoys being rocked. We have a special if you are looking for two new kittens you can adopt Rusty and one of his brothers or his mom together for just $75.00 for the pair. The normal adoption fee for one cat or kitten is $75.00. They have all been spayed or neutered and have had their first two sets of kitten shots. Mom Lucy Liu was FIV/FeLuk tested and was negative and they have all been put on Revolution for monthly heartworm, flea and earmite prevention. If you are interested in meeting Rusty please go to our website at and click on the Forms/Applications tab on the left side of the screen so you can fill out an adoption application and we can set up a time for you to come and meet Rusty in person. Thank you for considering one of our rescue pets.
More about Rusty
Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Rusty (click to see larger version):