Meet Peppy. He is a very sweet and loving 18 pound little boy that seems to like every one he meets. He gets along great with other dogs and loves to play. He also plays very well with children. He has had all his vaccinations, been neutered and wormed so he is ready for a new home to call his own. He is crate and leash trained. He is house trained with a doggie door but may still require some house training if in a home without a doggie door. If you think Peppy may be the right new pet for you please go to our website at and click on the forms/applictions in the green menu box on the left so you can fill out an on-line adoption application for him and we can set up a time for you to come meet Peppy in person. Thank you for considering one of our rescue pets.
More about Peppy
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Peppy (click to see larger version):