Pretty Girl is one of five puppies (Peanut, Pretty Girl, Almond, Walnut and Gordo) rescued by an SPCA PETS SNAP volunteer. Their mom Lena is also up for adoption if you are looking for an adult dog. These puppies look to have some Lab in them and are definitely prime examples of the famous Heinz 57 breed concept! But the outcome is cute and they all seem very intelligent, playful and affectionate--great family companions in the making! Peanut and his sisters Pretty Girl and Almond seem somewhat calmer and more reserved than brothers Walnut and Gordo, who play a bit rougher. They were beautifully behaved at their first Petco Adoption day event and adored all the attention lavished on them. An adoption fee of $95 includes spay/neuter, up to date vaccinations, heartworm prevention, worming and flea control. A separate charge of $10.99 covers a one-time microchip registration with Home Again and is good for the pet's lifetime and transferrable. If you think one (or more) of these pups would complete your happy household, please go to home page. Click on Forms & Applications in the green menu box at the left sidebar to get started on your online adoption application. And many thanks for thinking rescue!
More about Pretty Girl
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids
Pretty Girl's mother, Lena (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Pretty Girl's brother, Gordo (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Pretty Girl's brother, Waldo (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Pretty Girl's sister, Almond (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Pretty Girl's brother, Peanut (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Pretty Girl (click to see larger version):