Meet our trio of orphaned kittens, named Pebbles (solid silver tabby female), Precious (tabby with white female) and Pal (orange tabby male). All are up to date on their vaccinations, have been spayed or neutered and are ready to go to their new homes. Pal has been adopted, but sisters Precious and Pebbles are both still available. Bottle fed since they were so tiny their eyes were still closed, they're now hitting the chow line on their own. Adventurous little kitties but extremely well-behaved (they literally purred through their first set of vaccinations!) and well-socialized for their tender age. Not a bit fearful of new people entering their home or handling them, their foster mom has taught them to play with "claws in". If you think one or more of these kittens might be a great new addition to your family, please go to and fill out an online adoption application. We'll be happy to contact you and arrange a convenient time for a person-to-pet meeting. Thanks for thinking rescue and please spay or neuter your animal companions
Other Pictures of Pal (click to see larger version):