"Pansy" was among a number of cats rescued from a life on the streets, destined for hard times and probably a relatively brief existence. These poor scrawany looking creatures were transformed into beautiful, sleek and affectionate felines by their fosters. A good diet, worming, veterinary attention and plenty of tender loving care combined to work miracles. Now current on vaccinations, spayed and flea-free, Pansy seeks an empty lap to repose upon. As soon as anyone approaches she turns her "motor" on high idle and continues purring as long as the loving continues. If you would like to open your home and heart to this delightful cat go to our home page at www.spcaofmc.com and click on "Forms and Applications" (in the green menu box at the left side). Pansy says "thanks for considering a rescue pet like me"! If you'd like to meet Pansy, she will be staying at the Conroe Petco (just off I-45 at Loop 336 NORTH) Cat Habitat through March. We are currently offering a "2 for 1" special--adopt two cats that have already lived together for the price of one ($75.00 fee). This would include any combination of Estelle, Pansy, Silver Belle and Tulip.
Other Pictures of Pansy (click to see larger version):