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3/12/2025 5:53 PM


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What a luck boy Ziggy2 is. His adopter drove all the way from San Antonio to come and adopt him.


Another win is our brave and irrepressible little Tandy, a Heinz-57 puppy who was apparently hit by a car and survived for days lying along the roadside, unable to move. Her mother must have come to let Tandy nurse and then returned to her other pups, who will all now have a safer home and longer life expectancy in our care. Our Last Litter Program paid for Mom's spay surgery, but our emergency funds had been severely depleted due to Baby Girl's and Doodles' expenses and now Tandy's possible complications. Our veterinarian determined that precious little Tandy suffered breaks of both her left hind leg and right shoulder about ten days before her rescue. Initially, this puppy was transported to the vet for merciful euthanasia, as she appeared to be mortally injured. But several days of critical care from one of our most expert fosters wrought a miracle in Tandy's condition, as she rapidly progressed from unresponsive to difficult to contain! Since the damaged growth plates in her front leg might prevent healing even with surgery, it was possible that sweet little Tandy might need to learn how to run on three legs and we would have to come up with additional funds to support this deserving little soul! It took another month but her front leg did heal and she regained full use of it.


Doodles is an adorable Shih Tzu surrendered by owner s claiming they’d rescued her from a puppy mill.  A little detective work determined they were the ones who’d relentlessly bred Doodles over the last several years, releasing her to us only when she was no longer of use to them.   Her latest litter had died within her, causing pyometra and nearly killing Doodles.   She arrived covered with fleas, dejected, smelly and filthy with matted hair.  Following her spay surgery (recovery was touch and go as shown in the top right picture), follow up procedures for dental care and removal of mammary tumors,(Cost $810.95) Doodles is literally a dog of a different color.  Her off-white/gray coat transformed into a lovely golden honey color, and her eyes are as bright as her future with her new family.  It was discovered just before her adoption that Doodles also had low thyroid, which only seemed to increase the enthusiasm of her adopters, who already had another rescue Shih Tzu named Pashie with chronic medical problems.

Baby Girl

One of our most unforgettable characters in 2015 includes Baby Girl, a 5 year old Lab mix rescued after her drug addicted owner left her chained in the woods without food or water. She barely survived a diet on stale bread, and came to us with heart worms, skin and ear infections, a thin and mangy looking coat and the most loving personality you could ever hope to meet.! Ironically, the one thing her owner had managed to do right, getting Baby Girl spayed at a young age, almost cost her her life. Just as Baby Girl was beginning to improve dramatically, a mysterious and acute illness suddenly appeared. But immediate veterinary attention, swift diagnosis and costly ($1,437.15) emergency surgery for a rare case of stump pyometra saved the day! Apparently Baby Girl's entire abdomen and bladder had become filled with infection due to retained uterine tissue from the spay surgery years earlier, an infection that slowly crept through her body. We have since found an ideal family who wants to adopt this amazing dog who says yes to life no matter what, and are just waiting on a medical release to be sure this Baby's cure is complete. UPDATE: Baby Girl got her medical release from our vet and has been adopted into a wonderful new home where she will be loved and well cared for.


Meet Bebop who now has a new name Boris to go along with his great new home. Bebop was a rescue pet that is so very lucky to have found a great home. His story goes like this.... He was turned in by his owner who had too many dogs to keep and was put up for adoption on Aug. 27, 2007. He got thru all of his intake stuff and was ready for adoption by 9/24/07. He came in with two sisters and one of them Lacy got adopted in October but he ad his other sister Candy still did not have a new home to call their own at the end of the year. The new year was going great for Bebop when an approved adoption application came in for him on 1/28/08. The application however was from Las Angeles, CA which is a very long way away from Texas. Doing out of state adoptions was not something that was done in the rescue organization. Then to complicate matters more he had come down with Demadex which is not uncommon for a pup (He is now 9 months old)of his age. The Vet put him on some meds to clear up the Demadex but said it would take a couple of months to be well. His new people said that was not a problem and they wanted him anyway you see they had a female 9 year old Doxin/Schiperkee mix named Graw and they just knew it was meant for them to have Bebop because he looked just like Graw and she wanted a little brother to play with. It took some time to work out all the travel arrangements but the day came when Bebops new Dad flew in from CA to Houston and Bebops foster mom met him the Airport. He had a few hours till his flight back was to leave so he and Bebop got to know each other a little and Bebop let us know he was ready to travel and fly out to his new home. We have a picture of him here showing his car ride back from the LA Airport. He had been stuck in that crate for the plane ride and thought he should get to stretch his legs for the car ride home and new just where he wanted to ride so he had the best view of the new landscape around him. His foster mom has gotten a lot of other pictures of Bebop over the last couple of years and he is so happy in all of them and felt right at home the first night in his new home with his sister Graw.

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